
Huntington Norwich Hill church Tag-Bake Sale this Saturday

First Congregational Church in Huntington Ladies Aide members Nancy Kaminski, Lisa Mollison, Lori Belhumeur, Mary Leslie, Marsha Messier and Charlotte Pauze. (Photo by Amy Porter)

HUNTINGTON – The First Congregational Church of Huntington at Norwich Hill invites the public to its annual Tag and Bake sale on Saturday, June 23, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the church on 6 Searle Road, Huntington.
The Tag-Bake sale is one of several events organized by the Ladies Aide Society at the church, a small but mighty group that never fails to put on a great event. The ladies are especially known for their pies and sweet treats, which they also sell at the annual spring Easter Basket sale and fall Holiday fair.
At the Tag sale, treasures from the attic, garage and home will be offered to bargain hunters. Sweet treats including made-from-scratch pies, cookies, squares and mini-breads will be on sale plus home-made French meat pies and baked beans. Hot dogs, soda, coffee and donuts will be sold.
The proceeds from the Tag Sale will support the First Congregational Church and the many missions to which the church contributes its time, money, and effort, including the Huntington Food Pantry, area homeless shelters, and support of a Native American sister church in North Dakota.
The public is encouraged to come for a day of fun, food and surprises. For more information, please contact Mary at 413-527-5848 or Nancy at 413 667-0290.

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