
Items from Mayor prompt discussion of immediate consideration

Flags fly at half mast at City Hall. (WNG File Photo)

WESTFIELD – Mayor Brian P. Sullivan began his briefing before the City Council meeting on Thursday by asking to “keep in your hearts Parkland, Florida.” He said he is thinking of colleagues there, the councilors, mayors and others dealing with the devastation, and that he is thankful for the Westfield Police, as he acknowledged Westfield Police Captain Michael McCabe, who was present at the meeting.
Flags have been lowered to half-staff at all Commonwealth buildings through sunset on Monday.
Among his communication items was a transfer of $6,500 within the Veterans Department from purchases of services to part-time hourly account. Sullivan said that Bob Callahan, the Veterans Services director is retiring at the end of July, and they hope to bring on board the person who will be replacing him to work with Callahan for four months to learn from him about his work with veterans.
During the meeting, At-Large Councilor Dan Allie brought the item forward for immediate consideration. At-large Councilor Brent B. Bean, II said he thought the Council was trying to get away from items for immediate consideration.
Allie said when he met with the Mayor on Tuesday he had suggested that he would present certain items for immediate consideration rather than the Mayor. He said if the Veterans Services transfer were referred to the Finance Committee, which Allie chairs, it would cut into the four months of training.
At-large Councilor Dave Flaherty said according to Council rules, only the Mayor or departments heads could request immediate consideration for an affirmative vote and for items over $2,000. Flaherty said both rules would have to be suspended.
“My mind can’t get wrapped around” why the Council would be more likely to vote for immediate consideration for an item presented by the Finance Committee chair than by the Mayor, Bean said. Council President John J. Beltrandi, III said that he was also present at the meeting, and that the Mayor had intended to present the transfer for immediate consideration. A motion was made and passed for immediate consideration, with Bean dissenting. Flaherty made a motion for a second reading and final passage, which also passed with Bean dissenting.
Sullivan said in his briefing that a transfer of $3,000 within the Airport Department from the capital project account to overtime account was due to snow and especially ice clearing needed this winter, and would get them through the end of the fiscal year. In presenting the transfer to the Council, Allie said he initially intended to request immediate consideration, but instead referred it to Finance, which passed.
Regarding a resolution to approve the new voting machines, Sullivan said a vote by the City Council was required. City Clerk Karen M. Fanion said four of the machines have already arrived and another nine would be purchased after July. She said they would be ready to go in September for elections. The Council passed the resolution.
An order establishing a special account for the Planning Board will allow them to receive fees from the applicant for a traffic study of the Root Rd. school, according to the Mayor and Ward 2 Councilor Ralph J. Figy, who presented the item to the Council. He said it will allow the Planning Board to work in an expedient manner so the study is not held up.
At-Large Councilor Cindy C. Harris said she has received many questions from constituents regarding what school is being considered. At-Large Councilor Nicholas J. Morganelli, Jr. said the Roots owners are proposing a school but have not identified a particular school. He said there are concerns about parking and wastewater at the site. The order was passed on a first and second reading.
Also passed was a resolution authorizing the Superintendent of Schools to submit a Statement of Interest (SOI) to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) for an accelerated repair project at Westfield High School for the gym roof, main doors, locker rooms, boiler room, pool area and the replacement of entry doors for the school.
Sullivan said the Council has to approve all MSBA projects the city applies for. He said the roof is now over 20 years old, which “kicks it into past warranty.” Figy said the School Committee approved the resolution at its last meeting. He also said they did the same thing last year, which was rejected because the roof was still under warranty. “This is an attempt to have MSBA pay for a new roof,” Figy said.

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