
Kindness Rock Garden unveiled at Abner Gibbs

Abner Gibbs students gather for the formal unveiling of the Kindness Rock Garden.

WESTFIELD – Abner Gibbs formally unveiled its Kindness Rock Garden Wednesday afternoon in a short ceremony in front of all the students who contributed and special guest Westfield Public School Superintendent Stefan Czaporowski.
Principal Stacy Burgess said that the project was the kickoff for the school’s PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support) program for the year. “We are focusing on being kind. In a world where there’s lots of trouble, simple acts of kindness can go a long way,” Burgess explained.
Every student in the school, which has an enrollment of 222, painted a rock and decorated it. Burgess said this has been an ongoing project since the beginning of the year. The students brought the rocks from home and chose the messages to paint on them, such as “Be Kind,” “Kindness changes the world,” and “Be kind and follow your dreams.”

Fourth grader Haily Texiera read a poem about kindness at the ceremony.

Shortly after 2 p.m., all the classes came outside and gathered in a circle around the rock garden, which is at the base of the Abner Gibbs School sign, and which will be surrounded by flowers in the spring. “How you treat one another has a big impact on another person’s life,” Principal Burgess said. She told the students that the garden was a symbol of everyone’s promise to be kind to one another.
Fourth grader Hailey Texiera then read a poem to the students by Carly Dugmore, which began: “It doesn’t’ matter where you go, or who you meet along the way. Carry kindness in your heart, and practice it each day.”

WPS Superintendent Stefan Czaporowski received a kindness rock which he said he would put on his desk and look at every day.

WPS Superintendent Czaporowski was then presented with a kindness rock. He said he would put it on his desk, and look at it every day.
Burgess said the theme will be carried throughout the year, as a part of the daily morning message and weekly school-wide meeting. “We are trying to promote kindness in the student body in words and actions,” she said. They also have a case displaying kindness rocks in the school, and a brightly colored bulletin board which reads, “Throw kindness like confetti.”

Abner Gibbs PBIS team: Reading specialist Emily Byrne, Principal Stacy Burgess, Counselor Amy Crowley and School Nurse Debbie Poremby.

Stacy Burgess said the project would not have been possible without Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) director Tina Macy and her volunteers who provided supplies and help. She also credited her PBIS team: School nurse Debbie Poremby, reading specialist Emily Byrne and counselor Amy Crowley.

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