To the Editor:
I read with interest the article regarding Westfield City Hall elevator. There is more to the story than reported. The state inspected our City Hall elevator on December 23 and found 9 violations. They allowed the City 90 days in which to make the repairs. They returned in March once the 90 days had passed and found that none of the repairs had been made.
As a result, the state placarded our elevator and fined us $400. The repairs were then quickly made but the $400 fine was never paid. In my April 3 conversation with the building inspector he indicated that we were just waiting for the state inspectors to return and we were at their mercy as far as scheduling. I called the state and learned that they had never received our $400 penalty check and until they were in receipt of this NO inspection would be even scheduled.
While in City Hall these past weeks I have witnessed folks struggling up the stairs to reach the second and third floors. It is unacceptable to me that this situation went on as long as it did. I am disappointed in our building inspector for his lack of follow through, initially in making the repairs to our elevator within the 90 day period and secondly, not following up with the state to make sure all was in order and the placarding would be removed.
As we move into week three with no elevator the State has yet to receive our penalty payment. NO Check HAS BEEN RECEIVED! I confirmed this with the state as of noon on Monday April 7.
In the meantime, residents unable to make the stairs in 59 Court Street (City Hall) are denied the basic right of accessibility. City Council held two public hearings last Thursday and some residents with physical limitations were unable to attend. It is truly unconscionable.
Mary O’Connell
Ward Four City Council
Letter to the Editor
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