
To the Editor: Kevin Medeiros

To the Editor:
If I could have a few minutes of the citizens time I would appreciate it. This upcoming election has the makings of a serious change and consequences that could be somewhat of a man made disaster.
It has become a time when the voters need to draw a line in the sand and spend some serious thought time on who we vote for. We all know that we will have a new mayor along with two new councilors at large and one new ward councilor, that is a given. Does it matter who a candidate is married to? I don’t think so. All councilors need to have a desire to fix all problems necessary. So I am suggesting we poke a hole in the hot-air balloon.
The new school issue is serious and so far expensive. I believe that we do need a new school, but I do not think we need it built there. If your local politicians are honest with you, they will agree. I also think the city council should have a bigger say in the hiring and pay schedules of our schools. Some will say this can’t be done because of our charter, well in this country anything can be done. If a charter change is in order than lets get to it. We have a city attorney, lets get their opinion so we can stop the extra time spent on committee reviews.
The time has come for out city fathers to worry about our concerns. I don’t know what anybody is concerned about lawn signs, when the neighbor mows the lawn or how asphalt is put down at driveway ends. There was a time when Thursday nights were a meeting of the public servants and no personal agendas. After the meeting whether they agreed or disagreed with each other in most cases, it ended with a couple of friendly beers and stale pretzels at The Foster House while getting advice from Mike.
Again, please spend some time considering who you are voting for. Common sense is necessary this time around. Thank you, and please vote on November 3rd.
Kevin Medeiros
Candidate for City Council At Large

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