SOUTHWICK – Late on Tuesday night, one of the finishing touches was completed for the Whalley Park project. Musco lighting, the contractor for the lights portion of the project, did a test on all the baseball and softball fields that had lights installed.
In order to conduct the test, Musco made a grid around all of the lights, and had a meter that tested every single square to make sure that the brightness was at the appropriate levels. There had to be a certain brightness in the fields at home plate and in the infield, and a lesser brightness in the outfield.

The lights on the baseball field at Whalley Park were tested on Tuesday night. (Photo courtesy of John Whalley)
The creator of Whalley Park, John Whalley, was more than pleased with the outcome of the lights test.
“All the numbers I saw were higher than they needed to be,” said Whalley. “That’s a real good sign.”
While the lights on the athletic fields are determined to be complete, Whalley said that the street light portion of the project is still a work in progress. The street lights haven’t been purchased yet since Whalley is still finding out how much money is left in the project. It was noted that 12 street lights will need to be installed at a cost of about $3,000 each.
The Westfield News initially reported on this project back in September of 2016. The entire project cost roughly $500,000, which was allotted by the Community Preservation Committee.
More updates on the official completion of this project and the status of the street lights will be announced by the Westfield News in the near future.