
Little River Road Construction Update

WESTFIELD – Paving is scheduled to begin on Little River Road starting on Wednesday, August 30 and continuing until completed on Thursday, Augsust 31, 2017.  This work will be conducted from 5:30 am – 3:30 pm daily.  Paving will take place from the Little River Bridge to just north of the Shaker Road intersection.

Expect significant delays.  Seeking an alternate route is strongly advised.

Once paving is completed curb and sidewalk work will follow.  

The final phase of road construction includes the section Little River Road from Shaker Road to just south of Tow Path Lane.  This work is scheduled to start in September with the work continuing into October.

We will continue to provide updates as they are available.  Further inquiries may be directed to the City of Westfield Engineering Department, (413) 572-6219.

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