
Local performer touring with Disney

the cast performing in the Disney production "Newsies"

A still of the cast performing in the Disney production “Newsies”

WESTFIELD – Most kids grow up shooting for the moon, dreaming of being stars in some capacity – on the silver screen or an athletic field.
Unfortunately, few will ever fully realize these dreams, though they may play high school sports or perform in a few school plays.
For one local young man, the dream of performing in front of thousands across the nation has now become a reality.
Josh Burrage, a recent graduate of Westfield High School, has been touring with the Walt Disney Company production of “Newsies” – the stage adaptation of the 1992 Disney film based the New York City newsboys strikes at the turn of the 20th century – since earlier this year. He hopes that the tour – which will hit over 20 North American cities over the next year – will serve as a springboard to a career in show business.
The 19-year old is playing the role of Darcy/JoJo on the tour and is delighted to have an opportunity to showcase the talents he developed and cultivated here in Westfield.
“When I was 6 I started dancing competitively at New England Dance in Westfield and I remember seeing my first Broadway show – The Lion King – at 7 or 8,” he said. “From there, it just sparked looking into theater as a career.”
Following that spark, Burrage started taking vocal lessons and getting involved with local productions.
“Whatever I could do to work on myself and improve my theater skills..” he said, adding that his work on the tour has put his college plans on hold.
“I was supposed to go to Pace University in New York City to go for dance, but if I went back, I’m thinking of changing my major to theater, now that I’ve already started,” said Burrage.
The acting and dancing dynamo stated that he has been auditioning for the Broadway performance of Newsies for the past two years and that he was almost ready to put his stage ambitions on hold to pursue college until he received an email for a final tour callback.
“I decided to go to that and from there, I guess it just worked out well and I got the job,” he said.
In addition to Burrage, the cast for the Newsies tour boasts only 30 or so members, with a small crew and lots of local theater players assisting in each city the tour visits.
“We only travel with five orchestra members, so members of the orchestra are mostly local,” he said.
While the tour began in Philadelphia and is currently in Cleveland, Burrage said that the tour will make stops in Louisville, Pittsburgh and Baltimore next.
“After that we’ll head off to the West Coast, which I’m very excited about,” he added.
The prospect of arriving in California is any performer’s dream and as previously stated, Burrage is planning on making a lasting impression.
“I’m hoping that this leads to more jobs on Broadway. I’d love to be in New York City,” said the young actor. “Later in life, I’d love to be involved in movies, television and dancing as long as I can.”
While Burrage is a true student of his art, he takes a piece of home with him on every stage he graces.
“Definitely in this field of musical theater, two big inspirations are Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire, but I’d say my brother (Nick Burrage) is one of my biggest inspirations. He’s why I started dancing,” said Burrage. “Teddy Forance, who is another local dancer who is huge in the dance world now, he’s also a huge inspiration.”
“Because he (Forance) is from our area (Southampton), it’s really inspiring someone else has made it to that point,” he added.
Loree Cloud, owner of New England Dance and Gymnastics Center in Westfield, has worked with Burrage since he was 6 and says it is apparent who he has molded his talents after.
“When he dances, he reminds you a lot of Gene Kelly. He has that way about him. He can dance any style,” said Cloud. “He was a consistent hard worker, the kind of student every teacher loves – he came in with a smile on his face, worked hard and left with a smile on his face. He did that for 12 years.”
“Other kids would miss class to do this or that. Josh was always there and always a hard worker,” she said, adding that his multi-dimensional skills can translate to any medium.
“He’s one of those kids who could do it all,” said Cloud. “I can’t put him in a box. He can act, sing and dance. He can transition to TV or the movies because he can do it all.”
The tour is set to go on for the next year, concluding in Toronto on August 16, 2015, but Burrage said there has been talk of extending it. Through it all, his family has been supportive of his participation.
“They’ve been amazing. They’re so supportive and they only want the best,” he said.
“We’ve seen four shows already, in Schenectady, New York; Waterbury, Connecticut; and Philadelphia,” said Gina Burrage Wednesday. “We’re going to take a family trip with my sons Nick and Andrew and my husband, to California to see him.”
Asked what she hopes for her son’s future, Gina said he’s doing what he’s dreamed of.
“It is not that I don’t want him to college someday, but he’s already doing what he was going to school for,” said Mrs. Burrage. “I think his dream would be to live in New York City and be there and working at what he loves.”
While the performance, rehearsal and travel schedules for year-long tours are often grueling, Burrage has relished every second and is grateful for all of the support that helped him get to the stages he has – and will – grace.
“I’m just very thankful to be given this opportunity,” said Burrage. “Whether it was through dance or parental support, it wouldn’t be possible without everyone who has helped and supported me along the way.”

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