Westfield Newsroom

MAR09 SWK fire (JPMcK)

Sodom Street fire


Staff writer


SOUTHWICK – A structure fire at a Sodom Street home could have been devastating after a wood pile next to a wood stove caught fire Tuesday.

Fire Chief Richard Anderson said the Southwick Fire Department (SFD) was called to the home shortly after 5 p.m. when the homeowner returned home from work.

“He found his home filled with smoke,” said Anderson.

The SFD responded with 16 firefighters, Engine-1, Ladder-1, Ambulance-1 and the rescue vehicle.

“There were no big flames, but the wood pile was too close to the wood stove and it caught fire and burned through the floor,” said Anderson.  “We had to enter through the basement.”

Firefighters quickly knocked down the smoldering fire, which Anderson said could have been much worse if the owner had not returned home at that time.

“It fell into the cellar where there were gas cans and a chainsaw and other things that could have added to the fire,” said Anderson. “Fortunately, our folks responded quickly and got it out quickly.”

Another reason the fire did not result in a bigger loss was the architecture of the home.

“It’s an A-frame house so it’s very open,” said Anderson.  “In a traditional house, the fire likely would have spread up into the ceiling and walls.”

Anderson said this is a cautionary tale for residents with wood stoves.

“Anything combustible should be at least three feet or more away from the stove,” said Anderson. This includes wood, furniture – really everything.”

Anderson said although newer stoves are built tight to hold the heat, the main precaution people can take in ensuring they are safe is the installation.

“Check that the pipes coming out of the stove into the chimney are sealed and secure and clean your chimney at least once a year,” Anderson said. “You have to make sure it is properly installed and serviced.”

A quick call to the town building inspector could also prevent a devastatingly loss.

“When you buy a stove you should have it inspected by the building inspector to make sure it’s a good installation,” Anderson said.


Hope E. Tremblay can be reached at [email protected]



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