
NE grid manager: Conserve during heat wave

HOLYOKE (AP) — New England’s regional grid manager is asking residents to conserve electricity as this week’s continuing hot, humid weather threatens to strain the power system.
Officials at ISO New England are suggesting numerous steps cut power and avoid possible outages, including raising air conditioning thermostats to between 74 and 78 degrees and turning off unneeded residential home lights or office equipment.
They’re also asking people to put off laundry and other chores requiring electricity until the early morning or late evening hours.
In general, the ISO asks the people try to reduce electricity use between noon and 8 p.m., typically high demand times.
The ISO forecasts power usage to hit as much as 27,800 megawatts Thursday. That would be nearly 2,000 megawatts more than last summer’s peak. In New England, one megawatt powers about 1,000 homes.
“While the WG&E foresees no issues with the power supply in Westfield, we do agree with the voluntary conservation message issued by ISO New England”, said Westfield Gas & Electric Department General Manager Dan Howard. “Any effort at conserving energy is always encouraged but particularly so during times when the demand is high.”

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