SOUTHWICK – On Tuesday night, the Planning Board continued their public hearing for their proposed marijuana zoning bylaw. The board voted in favor of approving the bylaw and the overlay district map.
The bylaw will show where both types of marijuana, recreational and medicinal, can be used.
“It shows where we have any industrial areas,” said Town Planner Alan Slessler. “That’s where they can grow, produce, manufacture, and process.”
For the overlay district map, the growing, production, and manufacturing of medical and recreational marijuana would be allowed in an industrial restricted zone. There is one area on Hudson Drive and another near the Big Y that extends to Congamond Road. Slessler also added that there will be certain areas on College Hwy that will be included on the overlay district map as well.
The Planning Board is pleased to see that the bylaw passed and is ready to be drafted as a warrant article.
“It was seven months of sub-committee meetings, public hearings, and it’s been revised numerous times,” said Slessler. “We’ve persevered and hopefully now people will vote at the annual town meeting if they want to have it or not.”
After town counsel reviews the drafted bylaw, it will be developed into a warrant article for registered voters to decide on at the annual town meeting on May 16.