Major crime and incident report
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
7:48 a.m.: motor vehicle theft, Savage Arms, 100 Springdale Road, party reported commercial license plate stolen from one of their vehicles;
8:57 a.m.: breaking and entering motor vehicle, Franklin Street, man reported that his vehicle had been broken into the day before;
9:13 a.m.: found property, Easthampton Savings Bank, 85 Broad St., officer found set of keys;
3:53 p.m.: burglary/breaking & entering, Parker Avenue, detective bureau investigating a breaking and entering, possible firearm stolen, witness saw a man leaving the house around 1:30 p.m. and gave police license plate number of suspect’s vehicle;
4:44 p.m.: breaking and entering motor vehicle, YMCA of Westfield, 67 Court St., man reported that someone broke into his vehicle and stole his wallet.