
Police Log, January 4-6, 2014

Emergency Response and Crime Report
Saturday, Jan. 4, 2014
1:08 a.m.: accident, Feeding Hills Road, a caller reports vehicle struck a utility pole, the responding officer reports the pole was snapped and the operator was transported to Baystate Medical Center where a hospital spokesperson reports she was treated and released;
9:43 a.m.: motor vehicle violation, Powder Mill Village, 126 Union St. a patrol officer reports he encountered a parked car with registration revoked for lack of insurance, the officer reports the registration plates were seized and a notice was left for the owner;
11:23 a.m.: fire, Sylvan Drive, a caller reports insulation in the garage is burning, dual response dispatched, the responding firefighters report the resident said that he had been using a torch to thaw a frozen pipe when insulation under the kitchen sink ignited, the resident extinguished the fire with the sink’s spray hose and firefighters opened the floor and ceiling to ensure that the fire had not extended there, the smoke was ventilated from the residence;
11:35 a.m.: accident, Franklin Street, a caller reports a vehicle struck a building, the responding officer reports he found that a vehicle had left the roadway and struck a liquor store, an employee reported minor injuries when bottles on the shelves fell and struck him, the operator told the officer that he had swerved when he was cut off by another vehicle and was unable to avoid striking the building;
12:38 p.m.: city ordinance violation, Franklin Street, a community policing officer reports he notified a landlord of a snow-covered sidewalk and the problem was rectified, the CP officer also addressed similar problems on Orange Street, Lincoln Street, Morris Street, Maple Street and Elm Street during the day;
3:58 p.m.: larceny, Southampton Road, a resident came to the station to complain that a battery charger was stolen from his property, the responding officer reports the complainant said that a solar battery charger was stolen from his backyard some time since early December;
4:45 p.m.: vandalism, East Bartlett Street, a patrol officer reports that he observed that graffiti had been spray painted on the front of an East Bartlett Street house;
5:27 p.m.: disturbance, Swiss Village Apartments, a caller reports she has taken refuge in her bedroom after her boyfriend held her against he wall while choking her in the presence of their infant son, the responding officer reports the male party had left the residence prior to his arrival, the officer reports that a criminal complaint was file and the Department of Children and Families was notified;
5:34 p.m.: animal complaint, Woodcliff Drive, a caller reports that she is concerned about a neighbor’s dog which is outside in the frigid weather and barking constantly, the responding officer reports that he was in the area for about a half hour and the dog was barking steadily, the officer reports that there have been many similar complaints from several different neighbors in the recent past and a resident at the address has slammed the door in the face of an officer attempting to speak with him about the dog, nobody was found at the residence and a city ordinance violation citation was left on the front door;
9:25 p.m.: counterfeiting, Main Street, a clerk from a convenience store called to report that a customer had spent a counterfeit $20 bill in the store, the responding office reports that the clerk said that the customer used the bill to make a $9.70 purchase, the officer reports it is not known if the customer knew the bill was bogus;

Sunday, Jan. 5, 2014
9:13 a.m.: assist citizen, Lewis Street, resident came to the station to report that pipes have burst in a vacant house and to request assistance from the water department, the responding officer reports the man has no access to the house and is attempting to contact the owner, the officer reports that the man will ask the owner to call police if he makes contact;
9:19 a.m.: city ordinance violation, White Street, a caller reports an unshoveled sidewalk and provided the phone number displayed on a realty sign at the house, the dispatcher reports that the realtor referred her to the owner who said the snow would be removed during the afternoon;
4:59 p.m.: assist citizen, Hampton Ponds Free Beach, Long Pond Road, a caller reports that her dogs ran on to the ice of the Hampton Ponds and thence to the state park, she requests assistance retrieving them, the responding officer reports that the dogs ran to a small island off Pequot Point Road and police are unable to assist her, the woman was advised to approach the island from Pequot Point Road in order to retrieve her dogs;
7:55 p.m.: disturbance, Montgomery Street, a caller reports neighbors are arguing and throwing things, the responding officer reports the female party said that she had thrown a knife at the male party, the officer observed small puncture wounds about the man who said that the woman had damaged a television and other furnishings in the residence, the officer reports that the woman was not arrested because there was nobody else available to care for her children, a criminal complaint was filed;
10:10 p.m.: breaking and entering, West Bridge Manor, 81 S. Maple St., a caller reports that while she was away her apartment was broken into and her safe was damaged, the responding officer reports the caller said that she had been gone for about a week and returned to find that her apartment had been entered, apparently via a window, a safe in her closet was found to have been damaged but was not compromised, the officer reports nothing was stolen from the residence;

Monday, Jan. 6, 2014
9:10 a.m.: assist other police department, a detective reports she was advised of a Westfield vocational school alumnus who was reportedly stabbed during an incident in Fitchburg, the detective reports she photographed the young man’s injuries as a courtesy to Fitchburg police;
9:48 a.m.: larceny, Elm Street, a caller from an Elm Street drug store reports that a man stole ink cartridges and fled in a described vehicle moments earlier, the responding officer reports a search of the area did not yield a suspect, a check of the vehicle’s registration plate revealed that it was owned by a female party who has a history of shoplifting incidents, the owner of the vehicle was not immediately contacted;
10:49 a.m.: assist resident, Mill Street, a caller reports she is locked out of her vehicle, the responding deputy fire chief reports entry was made;
10:59 a.m.: assist resident, Main Street, a deputy fire chief reports a female party came to the fire station to request assistance re-entering her locked vehicle, the deputy reports services were rendered;
12:09 p.m.: soliciting, Hopkins Road, an off duty supervisory officer reports that a person is selling meat from the back of a pickup truck, the responding officer reports the man was advised of the need for a peddler’s license and he agreed to comply, the vehicle left the area;
5:16 p.m.: suspicious person, East Main Street, a caller from an East Main Street fast food restaurant reports a person who appears to be intoxicated has been in the bathroom for more than an hour, the responding officer reports the man readily admitted that he had been huffing compressed air, Jeffrey D. Krawczyk, 25, of 36 Stuart Place, was arrested for inhaling glue or a toxic substance;
6:33 p.m.: city ordinance violation, Meadow Street, multiple callers report snow has not been removed from a section of sidewalk at Hanover and Meadow streets, the responding officer reports he spoke with a tenant who agreed to deal with the problem;
6:00 p.m.: notification, King Street Extension at Smith Avenue, a patrol officer requested that a dispatcher notify the DPW of icy conditions;
7:58 p.m.: accident, City View Road at Butternut Road, a caller reports a vehicle struck a tree or utility pole, the responding officer reports a vehicle slid on the icy road and struck a utility pole, the operator was transported to Noble Hospital where she was treated and released;
9:53 p.m.: accident, Granville Road, a caller from AAA reports a vehicle slid off the road and struck a utility pole, the responding officer reports no injuries were reported, the officer noted the icy conditions of the road and the DPW was notified.

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