
Police Log, June 12-14, 2015

Major crime and incident report
Friday, June 12, 2015
12:50 a.m.:
85 Orange St., officer reports disturbance, officers responded for the second time and issuing a verbal warning that if they had to return they residents would be issued ordinance violation citations, citations issued to three residents;
7:03 a.m.: property found, St. Mary’s Elementary School grounds, bicycle brought to station for safekeeping;
8:37 a.m.: city ordinance violation, Franklin Street, officer reports citation issued for unkempt shrubs which are impeding pedestrian movement on city sidewalk;
11:21 a.m.: trespassing, Morningside Drive, caller reports youths skateboarding on caller’s property, officer reports youths located and identified, youths agreed not to trespass on caller’s property;
12:32 p.m.: breaking and entering a motor vehicle, Noble Avenue, Southwick citizen came to station to report that her vehicle was entered and that a backpack containing prescription drugs was taken, under investigation;
3:27 p.m.: vandalism, Franklin Street, construction supervisor reports that a youth skateboarded across 13 blocks of freshly laid concrete, supervisor states that youth was told not to go onto concrete as it was setting up, officer reports youth transported to his residence and his parents were informed of the damage he caused, information given to construction company;
5:00 p.m.: shoplifting, Walmart, 141 Springfield Road, store security reports two women have been detained for shoplifting items valued at more than $100, Walmart will seek its own criminal complaint, but requested officer to issue trespass orders, officer reports service provided;
6:09 p.m.: property found, Elm Street, patrol sergeant reports funding an abandoned white Magna bicycle near the Westfield Bank, brought to station;
6:22 p.m.: warrant arrest, 100 Whitaker Road, officer reports locating the subject of four outstanding warrants, Samantha L. Liptak, 32, of 100 Whitaker Road taken into custody;
8:16 p.m.: arrest, 134 Union St., patrol officer was observing residence of a suspect wanted on four arrest warrants, officer reports a pizza delivery person went to the door and the suspect came into sight, Brian A. Annette, 27, of 134 Union St., taken into custody;
9:16 p.m.: shoplifting, Walmart 141 Springfield Road, store security report four women, working in two teams, had stolen an unknown amount of clothing and accessories believed to exceed $100 in value, suspects left store in a blue motor vehicle and then transferred to a second vehicle, security provided video of suspects concealing items at the self-check-out station;
11:34 p.m.: fraud, Meadow Street, citizen came to the station to report that he was notified that his credit card was used at a Mexican restaurant in the state of Nevada, officer reports information was taken to do a report for citizen’s credit card company.

Saturday, June 13, 2015
1:42 a.m.:
traffic complaint, arrest, East Main Street, caller reports a motor vehicle being operated west in the eastbound lane of the divided highway, officer reports observing the vehicle turn into a restaurant, Crystal L. Ortona, 28, of 55 Day Avenue taken into custody for operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, negligent operation of a motor vehicle, operating a motor vehicle the wrong way on a state highway and for being in possession of marijuana;
7:00 a.m.: officer wanted, McDonald’s Restaurant, 425 East Main St., manager reports finding a counterfeit $20 bill in the receipts, caller states it is the second time that a counterfeit note was passed at that location, officer reports information taken, under investigation;
9:40 a.m.: vandalism, West Road, caller reports spinals of four fence posts were snapped off, damage estimated at $75, officer reports that a bear might have caused that damage;
2:04 p.m.: vandalism, Westfield High School, 177 Montgomery Road, patrol officer reports motor vehicle operated over line with tires spinning causing damage to lawn;
2:55 p.m.: rescue, Hubbard Street, area of spray park at Municipal Fields, dual police and fire response, caller reports child has leg caught in the crotch of an arborvitae shrub, spreaders used to separate the branches and the child was transported to Noble Hospital for treatment;
3:19 p.m.: shoplifting, Stop & Shop supermarket, 57 Main St., store security reports man and woman attempted to leave store with items, store will seek trespass notice;
11:22 p.m.: fire, Floral Avenue, caller reports large bonfire at nearby residence, Engine 4 dispatched, reports small fire, residents using dry wood, so there was little smoke, residents complied with request to extinguish the fire.

Sunday, June 14, 2015
2:04 a.m.:
fire, area of 980 Russell Road, caller reports electrical arcing on utility pole, Engine 4 dispatched, no smoke or fire observed, wiring appears intact, no power outages in nearby residences, Westfield Gas & Electric Department notified, firefighter remained on scene until WG&E crew arrived;
8:43 a.m.: fire investigation, Cortez Street, caller reports alarm sounding, Engine 4 dispatched, firefighters report residence is being remodeled and appears vacant, firefighters entered the building and turned off the alarm;
1:33 p.m.: brush fire, East Mountain Road, Engines 2, 3, 4, and 5, aerial tower, brush truck and ambulance dispatched, fire extinguished;
2:52 p.m.: vandalism to a motor vehicle, Pleasant Street, caller reports driver’s side window shattered, information taken;
5:51 p.m.: motor vehicle accident with injury, Southampton Road, officer reports a rear-end collision, passenger in front vehicle transported to Noble Hospital, citation issued to the operator of second vehicle;
6:53 p.m.: motor vehicle, bicycle accident, area of Stop & Shop supermarket, officer reports bicyclist collided with the side of a motor vehicle, bicyclist transport by ambulance to Noble Hospital;
11:06 p.m.: property found, City View Road, caller reports that a section of her fence was pulled down and a bicycle hidden in her arborvitaes, officer reports that the bicycle was transported to the station.

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