
Police Log, June 22, 2015

Major crime and incident report
Monday, June 22, 2015
12:09 a.m.:
suspicious activity, Salvation Army store, 223 East Main St., caller reports stopping to put items into donation box and observed a person taking items out of the donation box, officer reports the subject taking items was sent on his way;
1:28 a.m.: disturbance, Westfield Vocational Technical High School, 33 Smith Avenue, caller reports noisy youths creating disturbance, officer reports skateboarders sent on their way;
2:20 a.m.: vandalism, 118 Elm St., patrol officer observed a large, round concrete planter leaning against the side of a 2003 Nissan , officer reports the planter was located at the rear of an alley and had apparently been rolled down the alley until it struck the vehicle causing damage to the passenger side of the vehicle, the owner was notified that the officer would do a formal report and that she could come to the office to get that report if required by her insurance company;
4:03 a.m.: shoplifting, arrest, Walmart, 141 Springfield Road, store security reports a man in the sporting goods section of the store concealing fishing gear and a rifle scope, officer reports James Pavlica, 18, of 261 Forest Glen St., West Springfield taken into custody on a charge of shoplifting by concealment of merchandise;
12:08 p.m.: motor vehicle accident, Western Circle, resident of that street called to report that she was backing her 2009 Nissan out of her driveway and came into contact with the Westfield Gas & Electric Department 2000 Chevrolet Blazer parked on the side of the road, officer reports information taken for formal report because it involved city-owned property;
12:14 p.m.: motor vehicle accident, East Mountain Road at intersection of Ridge Trail Road, city employee requesting an officer to document an accident involving a city owned trash truck, officer reports the truck was backing up and came into contact with a 2013 Ford F-150 pickup trick that stopped behind it, information taken for formal report;
12:49 p.m.: motor vehicle accident, West School Street, caller reports that a delivery truck backed into her fence, officer reports speaking with a neighbor who witnessed the truck, which was turning around in the caller’s driveway after making a delivery, strike the fence twice, neighbor described the operator and the company information on the truck, officer took information for formal report;
12:53 p.m.: suspicious activity Westfield Shops, 475 East Main Street, caller reports a person is attempting to break into a motor vehicle, officer reports locating the subject, who was the owner of the vehicle and who had locked himself out, subject was attempting to gain entry, services rendered;
1:03 p.m.: motor vehicle accident, Pochassic Street, Drug Store Hill, caller reports a tractor-trailer truck struck and damaged guardrails, officer requesting a heavy tow truck because truck is hung up on guard rail, information taken for formal report;
2:20 p.m.: fraud, Ryan’s Package store, employee used checks from a relative account to make purchases without knowledge or permission of the relative, referred to the detective bureau for further investigation
5:18 p.m.: recreational vehicle complaint, Long Pond Road, caller reports a jet ski is on shore in area of old free beach, caller advised to contact department if the owner returns;
5:18 p.m.: breaking and entering, larceny, 85 Orange Street, resident came to station to report that apartment was entered and household items taken, officer reports signs of forced entry, officer reports another resident reported a similar theft over the weekend, referred to the detective bureau for further investigation;
5:34 p.m.: brush fire, 10 Main St., Bank of America, caller reports smoke coming from mulch in landscaped area, Engine 5 dispatched, firefighters report no visible flames, mulch soaked with water;
7:02 p.m.: investigation, 36 Indian Ridge Road, caller reports odor of gas, Engine 3 dispatched, firefighters report checking for natural gas or propane with negative results, firefighters believe that odor may be emanating from paint cans in basement;
7:04 p.m.: recreation complaint, Old Apremont Way, caller reports jet ski is being operated in the fishing area near the state boat launch;
7:20 p.m.: recreational vehicle complaint, Whitney Field, caller reports a subject operating an ATV, officer reports subject was located and identified, ATV was unregistered, subject pushed the ATV home under the guidance of a community policing supervisor;
8:24 p.m.: larceny of a boat, 84 Otter Point Road, caller reports theft of boat, officer dispatched to take information, while officer en route the citizen called back to report that he had located the missing boat which had drifted away from the dock and was in under trees, officer recalled.

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