Emergency response and crime report
Friday, March 27, 2015
12:14 a.m.: officer wanted, Springfield Road, a caller from a Springfield Road department store reports a person who may be intoxicated is attempting to shoplift merchandise, the responding officer reports the man was served with a ‘No trespassing’ order;
1:49 p.m.: suspicious activity, Howard Street, a caller reports that a week ago she found an open door at her residence and noticed a pie was missing, the woman said that other items are also missing, the responding officer reports that the woman said that she believes a neighborhood youth she has employed to shovel snow entered her home while she was asleep and stole the pie which she later found half eaten on the second floor, she also said that the boy has been making hang-up calls to her residence, the officer advised the woman to call the boy and when she did she left a message informing him that she does not want him to come to her property or call her;
2:47 p.m.: vandalism, Springfield Road, a caller from a Springfield Road department store reports a person is trying to break the security locks off merchandise, the responding officer reports the suspect was identified and found to have used a hammer and chisel to create a hole in the peg board in order to access video games, the officer reports the suspect eventually admitted his culpability and was served with a ‘No trespassing’ order;
4:09 p.m.: larceny, Butternut Road, a resident came to the station to complain that a sibling has withdrawn all the money in their recently deceased father’s bank account, the responding officer reports a document was forged to access the funds, the case remains under investigation;
7:18 p.m.: motor vehicle theft, Wild Flower Circle, a caller reports that his son stole his vehicle, the responding officer reports the caller said that his son had returned the van before the officer arrived but asked him to speak with his son, the officer reports the unlicensed 18-year-old youth said that he had taken the van for a ride but offered no reason for his actions, the officer advised the youth of the possible consequences of his behavior and the youth said he would not do it again;
10:41 p.m.: liquor law violation, East Bartlett Street, a supervisory officer reports he observed a man walking on the East Bartlett Street sidewalk and saw him drop a beverage can, the officer reports he found the can to be a partially full beer can, the youth initially denied ownership of the can but when the officer advised him that he had been seen to drop it he apologized for consuming alcohol on a public sidewalk, a city ordinance violation citation was issued;
11:07 p.m.: city ordinance violation, Park Square, Broad Street, a patrol officer reports he observed three people with skateboards at Park Square and he advised them of the skate boarding prohibition at the green, the officer reports the persons were cooperative and left the area.