
Police Log Monday, Dec. 31, 2018

Major crime and incident report
Monday, Dec. 31, 2018

10:49 a.m.: identity fraud, Birch Lane, a resident came to the station to complain of identity fraud, the responding officer reports the complainant said that he became aware that a credit card account had been fraudulently opened in his name when he received merchandise he had not ordered, the officer reports the fraudulent account was closed;
4:22 p.m.: fire, Kittredge Drive, a caller reports a neighbor is burning in a barrel and creating a large amount of smoke, the responding firefighters report a resident was outside cooking over an open flame and was advised to extinguish his fire when he gets through cooking;
7:12 p.m.: breaking and entering, Miller Street, a caller reports that he returned from a college vacation to find that someone has apparently been living in his apartment without permission during his absence, the responding officer reports the complainant said that when he returned to his apartment he found an unfamiliar duffel bag and a portable heater, the caller said nothing appears to be missing but since his roommates have not returned he cannot be certain, the officer reports he took custody of the property found which will be held until someone claims it.

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