Major crime and incident report
Saturday, October 17, 2015
1:01 a.m.: accident, 456 Russellville Road, one-vehicle rollover, 2003 Honda towed, transported to Baystate Noble Hospital;
7:57 a.m.: structure fire, 34 E. Silver St., dual response fire extinguished;
3:31 p.m.: medical emergency, Evergreen Drive, 50-year-old man fell 30 feet from a tree while cutting limbs, conscious and breathing, transported to Baystate Noble Hospital;
4:39 p.m.: vandalism motor vehicle, Franklin Street, party reported vandalism to her vehicle;
10:42 p.m.: college-related disturbance, 54 Orange St., ordinance violation issued;
11:30 p.m.: disturbance, Shenanigan’s Pub, 150 Elm St., over capacity by about 20 people, dual response with Westfield Fire Department.
Police Log, October 17, 2015
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