Major crime and incident report
Thursday, June 7, 2018
1:24 a.m.: accident, North Road, a caller reports a vehicle crashed and there is a person trapped in the passenger seat although the operator is not on scene, the caller said that he is unable to open the door but the victim is conscious and breathing, dual response dispatched, a Southampton officer reports he is on scene and the victim said she was the operator, the responding officer asked that the G&E be advised as a utility pole is sheared off, the victim was transported to Baystate Medical Center and the car was towed to the police impound yard;
12:35 p.m.: school investigation, Westfield Technical Academy, 33 School St., a school resource officer reports a fight between two pupils, the SRO reports the incident was referred to school authorities for disciplinary action;
1:01 p.m.: fire, Kasper Drive, a caller reports seeing flames on the porch of a residence, the responding firefighters report no fire was found;
3:55 p.m.: disturbance Cowles Court, a caller reports a male party is kicking and beating another male party who is on the ground and is not moving, dual response dispatched, the responding officer reports he encountered a young male party with obvious injuries who was uncooperative and denied an assault had occurred, the youth initially declined medical attention but subsequently changed his mind and was transported to Baystate Noble Hospital;
8:48 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, Main Street at State Street, a patrol officer reports a traffic stop, the operator was found to be the subject of an outstanding warrants issued by the Westfield District Court, Ricka Marie Fitzgibbon, 23, of 39 Taylor St., Holyoke, was arrested on the warrant.