
Pot pleas not on agenda

SOUTHWICK – Attorneys for the owner of 27 Hudson Drive and Hampden Care pleaded their case for a reconsideration of a denial of a special permit to grow medical marijuana on the property.
Atty. Stephen Reilly, representing Hampden Car, and Richard Evans, representing property owner Paul Dellatorre, spoke during the Southwick Planning Board’s public comment portion of its meeting this week.
Planning Board Chairman Douglas Moglin said the topic was not on the agenda, and even if it was, he would not have called for a vote in the absence of board members Terrence Welch and Robert Johnson.
Approval of the permit – as well as a reconsideration vote – requires a super majority of the board, which is four votes. The request failed to receive approval Oct. 29 despite having three votes to approve, versus two votes against, because of the super majority requirement.
Dellatorre proposed leasing his greenhouses previously used to grow roses to Hampden Care of New York for a medical marijuana cultivation facility. The non-profit group is seeking approval from the state to operate a medical marijuana dispensary in western Massachusetts. One of Hampden Care’s board members, Peter Gallagher, told the board in September that he did not think the state would grant a dispensary without approval for a growing operation.
Town Planner Alan Slessler said that although the item was not on the agenda, board members did listen to the attorneys.
There were a lot of people in he audience there who were in favor of (the marijuana cultivation) and they were asking for another vote,” said Slessler.
Moglin said he does not think there will be a reconsideration.
“The vote speaks for itself,” Moglin said.

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