
Public hearing on marijuana zoning

WESTFIELD – There will be two opportunities this week for the public to weigh in on the marijuana zoning ordinance amendment currently under consideration; and one opportunity to voice opinions on the city budget.
The proposed marijuana establishment amendment, which is available online at under zoning ordinance, pending amendments, and was voted by the Planning Board on May 15, basically revises the medical marijuana regulation to include recreational marijuana facilities, with both to be treated equally for zoning purposes.
The amendment also eliminates the current Medical Marijuana special permit provision to allow in the Business B district; all Marijuana Shops to be only allowed in Industrial A districts.
Another change reduces the current buffer standards for all marijuana establishments from 1000 to 500 feet minimum distance from schools (as suggested by the Law Department to mimic the state regulations.
The first public hearing on the marijuana zoning amendment by the Planning Board will take place at its meeting on June 19, beginning at 7 p.m. in City Council chambers. The second public hearing of the amendment will be by the City Council at its meeting on Thursday, June 21 beginning at 7 p.m. in City Council Chambers.

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