
Public servants in the city given thanks

WESTFIELD—The city’s mayor, as well as the human resources department and Sen. Don Humason’s office, gave thanks to the many public servants in the city yesterday.

Westfield Mayor Brian Sullivan (left), alongside Drew Renfroe (right), addresses several of the city’s civil servants during an appreciation event Wednesday afternoon

In an event at Westfield city hall yesterday afternoon, Mayor Brian Sullivan and Drew Renfroe, representative from Sen. Humason’s office, gave proclamations to many of the city’s public service unions, as well as coffee and cake, to honor the city’s public servants. The act was done in conjunction with National Public Service Recognition Week, which takes place from May 7 to May 13.

Westfield Mayor Brian Sullivan extends a handshake to someone receiving a proclamation during the city’s public servant appreciation event

“We wanted to do something different to say thank you,” Sullivan said during the event to the many public servants attending. “Through our office and Humason’s office, we want to say thank you.”

Employees from throughout the city were lined up down the hall near the Mayor’s office to witness and receive the proclamations. Sullivan addressed the crowd, suggesting that often gratuity is not extended enough.

City employees line a corridor of city hall, outside of where Mayor Brian Sullivan was giving proclamation to civil servants during a public servant appreciation event

“I’m not sure with phone calls you get told thank you enough,” Sullivan said. “Whether it’s the potholes, tree trimming, trash collection…as mayor, I understand the hard work you do.”

Renfroe, who also spoke briefly, agreed with Sullivan.

“Public servants receive a lot of calls, a lot of angry calls,” he said. “But public servants aren’t recognized enough.”

Among those in attendance were members of the Westfield Fire Department, Police Department, Department of Public Works, Personnel and employees of the Westfield Public Schools.

“Appreciation goes a long way,” newly-appointed Westfield Police Capt. Lawrence “Larry” Valliere, said. “One of the many reasons why we have such a great city is because of the amount of effort the employees put in.”

The full list of unions who received proclamations are as follows, from the mayor’s office:

AFSCME, Council 93, Local 346

Westfield Municipal Employees Association

AFSCME, Council 93, Local 1676

Westfield Professional Municipal Employee Association

Westfield Patrol Officers Coalition

IBPO, Local S574 (Superior Officers)

Westfield Crossing Guards, IBPO Local 359

United Public Service Employees Union Local 424 Unit MA Div 103

Westfield Firefighters, IAFF Local 1111

Westfield Fire Department Supervisors Association

Westfield Education Association, Unit A, Unit B and Unit D

Municipal Employees Council93, Local 346

Westfield Public School Custodian Association

Westfield Lunch Association

Westfield Cafeteria Managers Association

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