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The Granville Gorge swimming hole and brook has been destroyed Last year the city of Westfield water dept. took down a small dam upstream from the gorge releasing tons of sand and silt into the brook, filling in every deep water pool for over a half mile. This section of the brook was historic and took 1000’s of years to create.  So many people enjoyed swimming fishing and walking along the trails. Such a tragedy that future generations won’t have the chance to jump off the 20 foot cliffs into the cold bottomless gorge .Please  contact local officials in Granville ,Southwick and Westfield to voice your concern.  I am truly afraid some kids are going to go down at night and dive in ,not knowing the gorge is no longer 25 feet deep but only a foot . Granville should post signs warning people about the filling in of the great gorge swimming hole .The EPA knew about the dam being taken down, but told me on the phone they didn’t know about all the man made material behind the dam that was created when the culvert failed after the hurricane. This material should have been hauled away and not allowed to wash downstream. This dam had stood for over a 100 years and was made of giant granite slabs that would have never failed ,the reason given for taking down the dam. This dam was not on the main brook but constructed to hold back run off from the overflow culvert from the Granville reservoir. The damage is permanent and the gorge is history, maybe in another 1000 years the deep holes will reform.

I know this is not a city project but I’m hoping the city has some input for change: the new intersection of Little River Rd and Shaker Rd is just awful. My feeling is that the design of roads and intersections is to keep traffic flowing and create ways to move as many vehicles through an area as possible. This new intersection did not do that and will create a greater bottle neck of cars than it should. When heading south on Little River Rd they should have straightened the intersection for cars continuing on Shaker and added a stop sign rather than having those vehicles que at the light to take a hard right, which, by the way, will be very difficult for landscape and delivery vehicles. There is plenty of wasted land there that will become overgrown with grass and weeds. I waited before making a comment because I was hopeful that the design would have been better.

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