
PulseLine, April 16, 2014

We the citizens of Westfield elect our city council members. We vote based on who we feel will be the most diligent when it comes to what is best for our community, and the city as a whole. Decisions should not be based solely on what is easiest to get passed, or what is the cheapest way out, but should also take into consideration what is morally the right path to take. In this instance, the bike path plans should have been better thought out. I realize that the original plans were drawn up before Ralph Figy was elected to the City Council, but that does not mean that he has to just accept what is going on in his ward. If anyone has not seen the “progress” being made for the access ramp for the bike path, please take a little time and drive down East Silver St. The access ramp is plotted out, and will be approximately 10 feet away from the abutting homes. Not only should the disruption of the lives of the abutting families been taken into consideration, but apparently there was minimal thought to the safety of any children who would be exiting on the access ramp on East Silver Street. There is nothing in the plans as of yet to show how the children will be kept from ending up in the middle of East Silver Street if they are unable to stop at the bottom of the ramp in time. This street is considerably busier than most people realize. Some may ask, “Why not just go directly to Mayor Knapik with our concerns, as he lives only a few houses down from the spot where the access ramp would be built?” The answer to that is simple. He is far enough away so as not to be affected by the increase in noise levels that the abutters will have to deal with (now that all the trees have been cut down), nor will he see his property values decrease. I am sure that any trash that is thrown from the ramp will not end up on his property. The abutters’ privacy will be disturbed, but rest assured, his will not be. The citizens of this neighborhood are not against the bike path going through Westfield, but the plans need to be reworked so as to make sure that public safety is protected. This decision affects not only those people who live near the bike path, but all of the citizens of Westfield and the surrounding communities who plan to use it as a safe form of recreation and exercise. There are other options that the city has available for the access ramp that can be utilized without causing lower property values and lack of privacy to the families who have lived in this neighborhood. If the access ramp is allowed to go through as the plans were presented, there are bound to be injuries from bikers finding themselves in the middle of the street. Hopefully, this will not turn into an “I TOLD YOU SO” moment.

How many times do you see an ex-con or a formerly convicted felon involved in a mass killing? Can you think of any? More often than not, the mass murderer is someone who has never been convicted of a serious crime or someone who has served in the military. Think about that. There is more of a chance someone gone wacko will come down from Barnes, Westover, or back from Afghanistan and reign hell on the local citizenry than someone being released from prison or the local jail. If you look at the history of mass murderers in the United States, you’ll find this is an actual fact.

Yes, about the Notre Dame and North Elm Street problems. There has been problems there for years but we don’t get much work done in this area. Most of it is in Boston or up as far as Worcester. But I got a kick out of it. The work is going to be done, the same as the Drug Store Hill Bridge on Pochassic Street there. How long has that been going on? If they take that long or longer to do Notre Dame Street you might was well just forget the bus route. They’re going to have to go up Clay Hill and all the way around the other way. Thank you.

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