
PulseLine, April 22, 2013

Southwick Town Recreation Board: there’s a story going around town that you’re trying to work a deal with the Southwick Recreation Center, which is no part of the town government. It’s a private run organization that charges an enormous amount for our children to play there. The story is that you’re working a deal with them so they can use Whalley Park. My question is, as a father of children in this town, and a very high taxpayer, which taxes will be going I’m sure to the operations of this Whalley Park. If my child wants to go down there, with me and a few of his friends to play ball, whether it would be baseball or soccer, or just run around flying a kite, or to have a good time, and there’s no room for us, because you’ve worked a deal with the rec center for them to use the park. What are my children supposed to do? My taxes are going to waste. I hoped it was going to be used so that we could use this park whenever we wanted to.

It’s 1:50 in the afternoon and there’s a BID truck power-washing the stone walls toward the railroad bridge on Orange Street. How about just running the sweeper through the downtown area instead of trying to polish a turd? Unbelievable The BID is a separate entity from the City of Westfield. It is run on funds collected by BID members and their workers are directed by the head of the BID.

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