
PulseLine, April 25, 2013

Hello. I live on Reservoir Ave. and I’m just watching the recycling man across the street. My neighbor has three barrels out here full of recyclables. I am speaking on the phone right now while he is doing his job, going through the garbage or the recyclable bins, and taking out every single water bottle and every single five-cent deposit can and even aluminum cans and separating them, putting them into bags and putting them in the middle of his truck. I’m not sure whether or not he is doing this for his own personal use, for the aluminum and for the deposits, but this is very time-consuming and it should be like a minute or two for him to dump these barrels. And if we’re paying them their salary/wage and overtime, maybe the overtime is due to every single recycling bin that these people are going through to get out the aluminum and the five-cent deposits. I think this is unfair for us taxpayers to be paying for their salary plus them making the money on the side for the aluminum cans and also for the bottle deposits. If this is what they’re going to do, then why are we recycling, because it’s for their profit and not for the city’s profit? I’m not exactly sure how the funds are appropriated but I think this is an outrageous thing. I’ve been on the phone now for almost a minute and the garbage guy is still out here digging through my neighbor’s barrels. I think this is a misuse of our funds, our taxpayer dollars and everything else that goes along with it. If he has the time to do this and go through these barrels than I think these bottles and cans should be donated to our public schools to get them the resources they need to help our children. I think this is a misuse of funds and this is, once again, somebody on Reservoir Ave. who is still watching them go through the barrels while I’m speaking on the phone. I think something needs to be looked at and maybe somebody from the city follow them while they’re doing their job to see how many misused minutes are being used. I think this is an outrageous, outlandish thing that these people are doing with our funds that are paying their salaries. Thank you and have a great day. And, by the way, he’s still in front of the house.

Hi! This is the farm up on East Mountain Road. If you’re still looking for compost, I have plenty of it. You can call me at 568-9835 or you can just stop in to 1150 East Mountain Road, Westfield. Thank you.

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