
PulseLine, April 29, 2013

Hello, I do not often write to the PulseLine but after a long week at work I was able sit and catch up on the newspaper. I cannot get over the entry in the police log about the guy who pleaded guilty to possessing a firearm and ammunition without a FID card and pleading guilty to discharging this weapon in a dwelling only getting a fine of $190, a year probation, and a mental eval. In light of everything that had been happening with kids dying, bombings, and the call for stricter gun laws on law abiding gun owners. To then read he wasn’t charged for having NO LICENSE TO CARRY and that the gun was STOLEN just makes me CRAZY! The signs when you enter this state read: mandatory one year for gun related incidents so why isn’t this guy in jail? If he fired this gun in an apartment downtown, didn’t the court stop to think someone, an innocent neighbor or child, could have been killed? Yet, a guy who HAS a licenses to carry, who shots two bears that are threatening his family out in a countryside home is prosecuted and facing two years in jail. It kills me to know the fine police officers in this town work so hard to get the dirtbags off our streets and out of our town that the courts do not proceed accordingly and prosecute this dirtbag to the fullest level of the law. No, he gets a slap on the wrist and put back on our streets. The guns laws are strict, I guess, only for those who have followed the law, not the dirtbags that own or steal guns without following the law. Isn’t this the point of have gun laws? The problem is our court system isn’t following the laws! You can’t tell me this guy at the age of 49 doesn’t already have along list of infractions but he gets nothing. $190, probation, and a mental eval, REALLY? But the guy who is shooting a bear in his yard to protect property and family and who has probably never been in trouble will get the full two years. This incident with the bear is one of the reasons we HAVE the second amendment. The guns laws aren’t broken – its the courts that are broken! Thank you for letting me vent and KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK TO OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN BLUE!!! There are many of us in this town who appreciate all that you do to keep the dirtbags at bay. We can only hope the courts catch up or it won’t be long before Westfield becomes little Springfield with shootings everyday and a revolving door on our courthouse for dirtbags. Again thank you and have a good day. Signed, a female law abiding legal gun owner who is sick of the BS.

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