
PulseLine, April 3, 2013

Good evening.  I just want to say thank you to the couple that was at PriceRite that have gave my kids ten dollars for food.  That was greatly appreciated and thank you very much for what you did.  You just made my kids’ day, knowing that they could have something like that in the house and didn’t have to wait until Tuesday.  I want to thank you very much and have a great day and God bless you.

Good day Southwick! I just read the article that this fine newspaper has printed with pictures of Whalley Park, which the town now owns. They’re doing a great job over there. The pavilion, and ball fields, and kids’ playground looks great. But as a taxpayer in Southwick I am concerned about the next-door neighbor to Whalley Park, the Southwick Rec Center, which uses Southwick’s name but is in no way connected to the town government of Southwick. They charge the children to play, an enormous amount, and now they want to use Whalley Park in exchange for mowing whenever they can get ot it. You want to use Whalley Park? I believe they should pay for it – a rental fee. That way, we can use the money to offset the care of Whalley Park. I know one of our police officers is on the board of Southwick Rec Center, so they have an inside to the town government there, but let’s hope our selectman stand up and do what’s right. When John and Kathy Whalley built Whalley Park, their intention was to turn it over to the town not only for use by the town, but also for the Recreation Center . The details of that use are still being worked on by all parties.

The 7 days of Passover are now over and I want to mention that none of the supermarkets in Westfield had matzo, unleavened crackers, that were available for more than a few days during Passover. I tried to buy matzoh on the last day of Passover and it was unavailable. It would be very nice and respectful if the supermarkets kept the Passover foods available at least during Passover. Easter foods, baskets, stuffed chicks and bunnies and more are available for about a month before the holiday. I certainly don’t need to mention for how long Christmas items can be bought before Christmas. Please remember that there are people in Westfield who celebrate the Jewish holidays and please keep those items available, in addition to Chanukah candles and cards for the Jewish holidays, which are not always available. Thank you for listening.

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