
PulseLine: Council Chamber decorum

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I have recently been attending meetings of the Westfield City Council and I wish to express my opinion on what I considered  is a breach of decorum in the council chamber by councilor Dan Allie. There is a small plaque next to his name plate that reads ‘think outside the box.’ To me the presence of this plaque has nothing to do with the message on it but serves to call attention to him in a sophomoric way. You certainly stand out above the others. Thankfully, all of the city councilors have maturity to not follow suit with this immature display. Perhaps a more appropriately worded plaque in front of him, if he wishes to have one, should read,  ‘Toto we’re not in Kansas anymore.’ Thank you. The Westfield News contacted Councilor Allie and here is his response, “Thank you for attending council meetings. On your next visit, stop by and say hello. You may notice a small, fluffy yellow chicken on Councilor Figy’s microphone, that i believe once belonged to former Councilor Andras. It is unclear by your post what I have done to become a target of opprobrium.My mother taught me never to take myself too seriously, and that if i did not have something nice to say, it was better to not say anything at all. She also taught me to be kind, and to own my words and deeds. I welcome criticism, but have little respect for anonymous and pointless attacks.Perhaps, if you have a an issue you wish to address, you could write a letter to editor to make your point, if you have one.”

Can someone at the DPW paint the lines on Main St. near Noble St? Especially heading west approaching Noble?

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