
PulseLine: criminal or clown

To get the full effect of the PulseLine, listen to the calls at thewestfieldnews.com.

I have a few comments about this past election that has nothing to do with the criminal or the clown. First, I feel that democrats and republicans have both let this country down so I identify as independent. The question about charter schools is supposedly a republican issue. When I saw the governor on tv stating that     if you like your school, question 2 wont affect you,   that immediately reminded me that a politician said, not to long ago that,    if you like your health care plan/doctor, you can keep your health care plan/doctor. I cant wait to get rid of that liar. If there is a problem with the schools, fix it. Don’t just blame unions. And I am not a big fan of unions. I have been in two different unions and both those companies are gone now. And don’t forget Sterling Radiator. In short, the pro charter school people who spent $24 million dollars to try to get this question passed, did not do a good enough job convincing me. I voted against it. And in case you are wondering, I do have one Child still in Westfield Schools. On another topic, about 4 or 5 weeks ago I wrote to the pulseline publicly asking our state senator and representative questions about early voting. The answer from the pulseline was to listen to Karen Fanion on the radio. I held out hope that our elected officials would do the right thing and answer my questions that were addressed to them. After all, they were asking for my vote. I wanted to know there thoughts on something that I felt is totally unnecessary. Well, I did not get there answers so they can just wonder if they got my vote. But I am sure that they appreciate the Westfield News running interference for them. And for the record, I believe we got stuck with the clown.

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