
PulseLine, December 14, 2015

I heard on WSKB another push for money by the whip museum people. This place has gotten more than $500,000 from the city coffers and there still hasn’t been one visitor. Aside from some beautification, what else is being done? I think the residents of Westfield need to start asking some questions about how our money is being used.

I again would like to thank the young people who were out celebrating the holidays and decided that ripping apart our Christmas decorations for your own pleasure. I feel sorry for you that you have never been taught right from wrong and not to harm others. We enjoy putting up decorations for our neighbors. I hope that you find peace in life that will make you a better person and to do unto others and not make as many people unhappy as you can. I am sorry for you that you hurt. You may not celebrate the season except with drinking, drugs and others but that maybe the way you were raised. I am sorry. Blessed be, Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Regarding tax increase and whip museum money comments, you voted them in, this is just the beginning. You have no one to blame but yourselves. Tax increase would have been even more if a certain councilor got his way. You go Westfield News keep reporting what is going on.

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