
PulseLine, December 21, 2015

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Pulseline re indoor walking track at W.S.U.—and our Mayor reaches out to them to ask what we can do for them. This is a joke. I watched the Council meeting on 12/18 and read Dan Moriarty’s article on the sewer rate increase in the Westfield News. A very informative article. Thank you Dan. Mr. Crean thinks it is unfair that other people and businesses subsidize seniors – Perhaps seniors feel it is unfair that they subsidize the schools. Also I doubt that a senior has a $600,000 home and if they did it is not likely that they would apply for the senior rate. The meeting seemed like a ” let’s get the seniors free for all.” Oh and regarding crosswalk on West Silver St. If the DPW erred then just paint it over as a councilor suggested don’t pass the buck to another body to deal with. Have a Merry Christmas.

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