
PulseLine, December 22, 2012

Really enjoy the beautiful Christmas tree on Broad Street in front of the Lutheran Church. Who ever decorates it should be given kudos for making my Christmas a little brighter. Merry Christmas!!! That tree looks much better than the one on the city green.

Good morning. I’m calling about the Twiss Street dump. A department that is run so smoothly, must be on the job five days a week, whether it’s rain or snow. The department is run at an officious level that is not comparable to any other city department. And back in November your newspaper stated that the city of Westfield is going to apply for additional tonnage, from fifty tons to 150 tons will be accepted if everything goes well in that dump. Boy, do I see dollar signs. I think and I hope this is the direction that the city of Westfield takes. Let me paint a scenario: this is trash vendors out there galore. They are now bringing trash to another facility, chances are in the Springfield area, and they are paying top dollar to bring their trucks into that area. I would ask the city of Westfield to ask these independent trash vendors that are now in the trash business to come to our city hall. We’d like to talk to them . We’d like to invite them to utilize our facility, which could be in the near future another hundred ton. We have all the facilities right there. I would like to have that done. Let’s take another scenario: ten vendors come in and they agree and they say “Listen, we’ll take the trash into your facility.” And you’ll be charged accordingly. Say ten vendors came in. It was $2,000 a week for 52 weeks. Do you realize that’s over a million dollars income every year after that? Those people should be talked to first before we go in any other direction. City hall I hope you go in this direction. Have a pleasant day.

I think the mayor showed his true colors supporting local business when he told the Lecrenski Bus Company if they don’t like things, don’t submit a bid.  That’s really showing his true colors supporting local business.

How is this former city employee who pleaded guilty going to be able to pay back all the money she stole if she’s out of work? She ought to just serve twice the sentence.  Thanks you.

Please help! Does anyone know of a speech/language pathologist who needs a job? Juniper Park Elementary School has been looking for one since September and can’t find any. They are asking parents if they know any! Please help! There are little kids who are failing and need support!

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