You haters can say all you want against our present mayor, Dan Knapik. All I know is he’s approachable, will help you out if he can, and he doesn’t have a “chain of command” attitude. He keeps winning because he connects with the people and isn’t arrogant about his position in this city. Instead of bitching about the man unjustly, why don’t you call his office some day with your gripes and see if your questions get answered. Otherwise, quit whining.
2 comments – 1. the difference between a “minor” accident and a “major” accident is that a “minor” accident happens to someone else and a “major” accident happens to you. No accidents are acceptable due to a lack of sand /salt on the roads. Period. Poor planning is not an excuse DPW. 2. You assume “buttonholing” goes on all the time in all levels of government? Are you a newspaper or not? Good thing there is no competition in Westfield or you might have to do some investigative reporting! I fully expect a bold text snide remark if you choose to print this… Comment: The difference between a minor and major accident is determined by crash investigators. What “investigation” would you like? The fact that politicians ask others for their support on any number of topics from a specific piece of legislation to being nominated for a seat within government? No conspiracies here.
OK, thank you. This is a comment for the PVTA: I was wondering if all their bus drivers would carry a shovel with them, they could shovel all the bus stops along Court Street, in front of the Stop & Shop, all along Main Street, so the dumb passengers don’t have to break a leg to get in to pay fare to go to the dumb Walmart. And maybe Walmart would stop the smoking at the bus stop, since everybody is throwing the matches and the cigarette butts. Walmart has too much money to let them do that, with the brand-new store that you can’t get into because there are 1,000 cars parking. Thank you very much.
Hello. I was wondering why the Salvation Army hasn’t been put in the paper. You know, the donations. It’s usually put in around Christmas and I haven’t seen it at all. I wondered why.
I’m reading the Westfield News, Wednesday, January 8, about the homeless teen housing project that is being proposed. $80,000 of our community preservation money is going to be used towards this? All these projects that can’t get funded any other way, they use these community preservation monies for. That’s a far stretch for open space and low income housing. Give me a break. This is not the use that these monies were intended for. That’s a far stretch. Mayor, city council: don’t let it happen.