
PulseLine, January 22, 2015

About the littering…it took me a while to figure out why there are so many nip bottles, beer cans, etc. on the sides of the road (besides the obvious that a lotta people drink). Someone told me that “empties” , in cars is stopped by the Police, constitute “open containers”, and can earn the driver a DUI….166

I was just reading the the article by Jeffrey D. Sachs about it being time to raise the gasoline tax and was wondering if he lived in the real world? He seems to think that the price of gasoline is never going to go up again and we are always going to have the extra money we are now experiencing. Unfortunately for us the consumers this is just a slight reprieve from back breaking prices. Most likely what is going to happen is that by mid summer to early fall the prices will have returned to normal and if he has his way we will be saddled with the extra tax that he wants to add. I sincerely doubt that our government will rescind the increase in taxes once they have gotten them in the first place.

It’s true prejudices exist everywhere across the board. My writing is to bring attention to the individuals (in this case) on police forces across America who are not being indicted or held accountable for irresponsible decisions that are made on the clock, paid for by my taxes. Because of this I don’t believe there is a reason why police training to deal with all public spheres should be an absurd reform suggestion. – Erika Hayden

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