
PulseLine, January 22, 2016

Hello Westfield, Just had a great idea for the kids in our Great City of Westfield. Now is the time to check with your neighbors who may need their sidewalks and driveways cleared. It is a great way to earn extra money, gets you out of the home and gets you to meet your neighbors. Also check around for the elderly or disabled neighbors and do it as a favor. They will look better on our youth. Also, it would be great to see some of our college students giving back to our City instead of just having a Snow party. It really is too bad that all we see about them is a college party being closed down. I think that most of our youth and college student are fantastic and there are just a few that make them look bad. Please make sure you have enough fresh water and canned goods to keep you for a couple days. Please be safe, don’t go out if you don’t need to as the news seems to be keeping us informed.

Mr. Duquette’s dog, JAKE, doesn’t bother anyone as a matter of fact I am a senior citizen, petrified of dogs but I have petted JAKE on many occasions.– To the shock of all who know me. — I bet you Jake enjoyed the game. Too bad you didn’t. Next time maybe you should stay at home so you don’t ruin the evening for others.

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