
PulseLine, July 16, 2013

Yeah, I’ve got a great idea.  Why don’t we take some of that stormwater runoff fee that we’ve been extorted on and use that to fix some of the fire hydrants? Isn’t that a great idea?

Good morning! As I was coming up on the north side, heading from the Westwood Restaurant all the way to Franklin Street, I couldn’t help to see the flowers that are hanging at every pole that has a light on it are awesome! I’m just wondering if the person that maintains this can give us to us if it is just water or a combination of a certain kind of fertilizer.   I wish that person would respond to your newspaper and that you would put it in print.  But I’m going to tell you something: you can’t help look at those flowers!  Awesome, awesome, awesome.  Can’t believe it! Great flowers! Thank you for the enthusiastic words of praise for the hanging baskets! Those baskets are actually a combined effort. Some are brought to you by the City of Westfield (the ones closet to the bridge) and the Westfield Business Improvement District for the ones mostly downtown. When our crew is tending the baskets, they use plain H2O for most of the watering. They do supplement with plant food every few weeks or so. This is required as the heavy rains tend to leach the nutrients from the soil in the small baskets. I have to agree, they are beautiful and we are delighted you are enjoying them! – Maureen Belliveau, Executive Director, Westfield BID

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