
PulseLine, March 21, 2014

I saw in Wednesday’s Westfield News the Westfield Housing Authority is accepting bids for new refrigerator/freezers for the residences that are owned by the city of Westfield and I thought to myself, boy! I wish I could afford a brand new refrigerator/freezer for my own home but hey, I’m glad to help out wherever I can. Just keep taking from those that produce and give to those that don’t. Give me a break! I’m losing my job at the bank and they can go out and hire a security guard to babysit the parking lot while I’ll be collecting unemployment being trained for a job that I’ll never find. Wonderful!

Have you looked at the minimum wage? They want to raise it. What’s Amherst trying to do, $15 an hour? That’s going to put a lot of businesses out of business if they gotta pay that much in manpower per hour.

Today is Tuesday, March 18, and about 5-10 days ago I called the phone number for PusleLine, asking how Westfield schedules the streets to be fixed. We all know they have many potholes. Does Westfield go by the number of potholes on a street or traffic? Not complaining because I know that it will take time for this to be done. My call was never printed. Do you not take phone calls anymore? I was reading today’s PulseLine and agree with your policy about political comments. But it hit a nerve with me that you printed the last call about Notre Dame Street Hill. The caller used bad judgment in their language and this paper used bad judgment in printing the caller’s language. I know some readers will not agree but this call should have been proofread better.
The City of Westfield is still assessing the pothole situation and has not yet released their plan. Once it becomes available we will report it.

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