
PulseLine, May 14, 2014

Yes, I’m reading the Tuesday, May 13 Westfield News front page: “Velis Appointed to Judiciary Committee”. It sure didn’t take him long to start climbing up the ladder, did it? Well, you know, all your buddies work together and being a Democrat, too, what do you expect? He’s going to go places as long as Obama is around for two years, which is too long and Deval Patrick, he’ll be gone, so maybe they’ll start cleaning house a little bit. Thank you.

Good Morning Pulseline! Yesterday morning while driving in Westfield I was behind a Toyota Highlander with a bumper sticker that said “Just Be Nice”. So easy. So simple. So right. It made me smile and was a great start to my day. Hope you all have a “nice” day!

I read in Tuesday’s Westfield News that the Westfield Gas and Electric will close the 100 Elm Street business office at noon of Friday May 16 in order to hold an employee event. Westfield Gas and Electric: enlighten us. Tell us what this employee event is. Tell us what my tier one and tier two transportation charges are paying for. Don’t tell me it is an office party but we’d still like to know. We’re waiting. Thank you. Relax, there’s no conspiracy. The early closing is so that the G&E may hold an employee meeting at their Operations Center. Due to the variety of work schedules they will close the Business Office so that all employees from both locations are able to attend.

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