
PulseLine, May 17, 2013

Hi! I read the article in the paper this morning about the dump stickers where you had to get the sticker to show that you lived in Westfield. Well, I got a dump sticker a couple of weeks ago and nobody asked me for any identification. They took my name and phone number but I don’t know – how do they know I live in Westfield? Maybe this should be checked out. Thank you.

Hey PulseLine! It’s nice to see that Art Pinell, one of the good old boys, in Southwick, is retiring from the board. Boy, if only Fox and the other idiot would do the same thing then Tracy Cesan, she could get the town running the right way, the way it is supposed to be, the way Southwick should be. Thank you.

Southwick: it’s very disturbing reading in this fine newspaper that one of your police officers and one of your selectmen are on the board of directors for the Southwick Recreation Center, which has no ties to the town government. This same Southwick Rec Center is the one that’s being accused of stealing water from the town of Southwick to use for their irrigation systems. I can’t believe that these two gentlemen weren’t involved in it, one way or another. I hope the water commissioner and this newspaper do not rest until this matter is settled. Why should the taxpayers foot the bill for this? And I’m sure this organization has lost it’s trust.e

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