
PulseLine, November 15, 2013

Happy flag day! Please let me know when the flags of our founding fathers will fly in Westfield. English, Polish, Greek, Italian, Russian, Irish to name a few. Do Native American Indians have a flag yet? I believe they were here first. Thank you.

Now that the Dobelle situation is drawing to a close, the next step should be to clean house of the WSU Trustees that hired him and neglected to oversee his activities. He did this same thing at the Univ of Hawaii yet none of the trustees saw fit to create an oversight subcommittee to monitor his spending and travel habits. Looks like some serious management neglect. Do the trustees get paid? If so, they too should reimburse the university.

Good afternoon, This is for the patrol officer that found the U.S. flag on the ground, on Meadow Street. Thank you for caring for our flag in the correct manner. May you have a great and peaceful day, from a Military Brat.

I am curious about your lack of coverage regarding the Dobelle debacle for the past several weeks. The republican and the globe had extensive articles which were both timely and newsworthy. I’m writing to the pulseline to let all your readers know that Dobelle has decided to retire. Perhaps you could write an article with all the details. You need to read more than just the PulseLine, sir, or you wouldn’t have missed our front-page reports on this story on August 2, 29, and 30 by Carl E. Hartdegen and September 12, 13, 20, 26 and October 5, 7, 8, 12, 14, 16, 17, 21, 23, 25, 28 and 31 by Peter Francis. Many of these stories were exclusive to The Westfield News that no other media source had.

Wednesday night, the girls from the Westfield High School girls Varsity and JV Field Hockey Teams went to Applebees as an end of season celebration. Sitting behind them was an elderly woman dining alone. The girls struck up a conversation with her during dinner and towards the end they decided to send over a dessert to her as a kind gesture. After the woman left, the waitress advised the girls the woman had arranged to pay their entire bill, even before they sent dessert over to her. This just goes to show there really is goodness still left in the world. I just wanted to say THANK YOU to the woman who was so kind and generous!! Great story, thanks for sharing.

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