
PulseLine, November 19, 2013

To the person who wrote wishing a happy flag day to all the great ethic groups in Westfield. You asked if Native Americans had their own flags. If instead of worrying how these proud groups honor their heritage and researched it, you would probably find that the Native Americans do have their own flags.

Good morning PulseLine! First of all,I can’t email you nothing. I don’t have a computer. But I have a request. I wonder if you can find out what department of Westfield is responsible for the upkeep of the sewer pumping station on the corner of Foch Avenue and Prospect Street here in Westfield. The station is never kept up in winter or summer. Right now, as I speak there are leaves piled up against the fence surrounding it and all over the side on which people walk and where children wait for the school bus. The place is a pig sty. All it’s going to take is a lit cigarette or some comedian and there’s going to be one hell of a fire, damaging city property plus the pumping station itself. Anything you can do or people you can contact on this would be greatly appreciated. Actually, I would like to see the mayor or the ward councilor take a look at the way this pumping station is maintained. It’s a disgrace. Thank you and have a nice day. Please contact Westfield Water Resources Superintendent Dave Billups. He can be reached at either [email protected] or 413-572-6243

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