
PulseLine, November12, 2013

The person who complained about the trains blowing their horns when she is trying to sleep should be aware that the trains have to do this. The horn is a warning that the train is entering a crossroads so vehicles, people and any work gang in the area will stay clear. The sound might be annoying to her, but it saves lives. That caller should probably move to a new home because the railway isn’t going to change their policy just for her.

Yes, I was reading Saturday’s PulseLine about the person that just moved here to Westfield and is complaining about the train horns. Well, you know what? The train horns have been around here forever and you know, if you don’t like it, move out of the damn city.

Yup, just calling, almost got killed again at the intersection there at Union Street with the way everybody’s got to yield over there not knowing. Got pushed out of my lane by a car coming in. I had to move over almost crushed the guy on the other side. Nobody’s doing what they’re supposed to so it affects everybody’s lane when you gotta move instantly. Someday we’ll smarten up and fix it. Probably not now we got the bully back in. I don’t know what’s wrong with you Westfield, why you voted for that jerk. I don’t like the guy. I know nobody does. Well, enough people do, I guess, but just mentioning that intersection. Thanks.

Hi! I live in a senior citizen complex and I just want to make a comment and everything. The seniors here seem to have the air conditioner running and the window wide open during this cold weather and they wear sweaters and they complain that it’s too cold. So, I don’t know about these seniors. Is there something wrong with them? And they have the heat going also. They need to learn and everything about dressing proper. Please print this. Thank you. Complaints to the PulseLine will not solve the problem. Contact the property manager to resolve the issue.

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