
PulseLine, September 12, 2013

Hope to read more well written articles in Think Tank, especially from local students. It is a good opportunity for them to express their ideas and goals and for the public to realize there are many young people eager and capable of leading us forward in the future.
I enjoy seeing pictures of local residents reading the Westfield News on vacation or business travels.

I think it is time we looked at the candidates for school committee and decide if we want the same people leading our schools. Now we have the teachers getting set to vote on a number of issues that will truly affect our students. Can’t blame them, they have not had a raise in three years. But, they are the very people we leave our kids with everyday and hope that they care for them as much as we do to keep them safe and educate them. So please take a good look at who makes the decisions and decide if they are doing the right thing.

We teach our children the dangers of bullying. Now we have the Westfield teachers as a group using bullying tactics. They want a raise but where do they think the money is going to come from. No one in the city has had a raise in years. Not many in the private sector are getting raises either. But the teachers feel they deserve a raise so they are only going to do exactly what is in their contract. The bare minimum. This is only going to hurt our children. And if we give in to this bullying, where is the money going to come from? Will we lay off teachers and put more children in the already over-crowded classrooms? Cut programs for our schools? How about a prop 2 ½ override? Come on teachers stop being so selfish and start realizing that this is a tough economy and we should be working together!

Good morning! I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed Barbara Pellan’s “Completely Lost.” I like her writing very much and it’s always a joy to read and I’m so glad you put it in the paper. Thank you. Bye.

I’m calling about three issues that I have recently read about in your PulseLine and I’ll try to make this brief but I’d like to tell you my opinions on these issues. The first one is the person complaining about the care of the Pine Hill Cemetery. I have family members that are up there. I go up there frequently and these people who work up there work very, very hard to keep those grounds picked up and clean as best as they can for our loved ones who are resting in peace up there. And it bothers me that people have nothing else to do but complain or criticize about it and I just want to say: instead of complaining and criticizing then why don’t you go up there and volunteer and take care of your own family plot. They don’t have control over old stones that are over and they don’t have families that can take care of those grounds. People who have people buried up there, they should step up to the plate instead of complaining and take care of it yourself. The other issue I have is the people complaining about the dress code that the new principal of the high school is putting in force. Hurrah for him because it’s about time that these kids learn how to go to school and dress properly. Just like they did in the good old days where the boys couldn’t even wear blue jeans, the girls had to have their skirts down to their knees. I think it’s about time because if you go to pick up any of your children or grandchildren, whether it’s the high school or the middle school – they all look like sluts, to be honest with you. What’s wrong with the parents? I mean I would never let my child walk out the door with some of the things that I have seen. So, kudos to you! And, again, the parents – are you kidding me? Are you serious? And my last and third item is the person who is the person who is complaining about not getting fresh or hot coffee in restaurants. Do these people have nothing else better to do than to complain about not getting a fresh or hot cup of coffee? Get real! If you want that kind of coffee, then you make yourself a cup of coffee before you go to the restaurants or when you come home. How hard is it for that? I think it’s time that people put their priorities straight and stop complaining about stupid stuff. Life is too short. And it just aggravates me that these people are so low and shallow that they have nothing else to do. The irony is not lost on the PulseLine. So my theory is if you don’t like it, get off your dead butts and fix it yourself. Thank you.

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