
PulseLine, September 20, 2013

I had to laugh today. I saw a political sign by the high school today, claims she is a voice for the children. How ironic to be in the one spot where her voice really needs to be heard and she has nothing to say!

Congratulations to the Principal of Westfield High School! Parents should embrace what you’re trying to do initiating a dress code. I am very grateful that my children went to Glastonbury, Connecticut school system. They did enforce dress codes through the grades and parents” embraced it.” I cannot believe reading these letters with parents objecting to it. Are they proud of the fact that their daughters are wearing short shorts to school and low cut t-shirts???? Or their son has his pants hanging down his back side and underwear showing???? Come on parents what are you thinking?????This is a school your children are there to learn, and RESPECT A DECISION THAT THE PRINCIPAL IS MAKING…..what are you thinking?……It is all about teaching respect and looking respectable. Preparing them for the real world and future workplace. Mr. Carter your doing the right thing, I am amazed at the mother who wrote what she called your accosting the students on the third day, sending them home. CONGRATULATIONS somebody took the bull by the horns……I have seen these kids and what they look like when I have had to make a few visits to the high school. My first thoughts were what is wrong with the Principal allowing these kids to go to school looking like this. Don’t give in to these few parents that are disgruntled someday they will thank you…….Good job Mr. Carter

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