
PulseLine, September 21, 2013

I’d like to tell a quick story, what happened Sunday morning. I get up early to go to work part-time. I work Sunday mornings and I’m at 4:15 in the morning. I walk the dog, first thing. While walking the dog by Stanley Park on Western Avenue at about 4:25 a.m. a Westfield police cruiser came down Western Ave. doing what I estimate between 110-120 miles per hour with his blue lights on. Can anybody explain to me why that cruiser was going that fast? Thank you. Would you have the same response if the officer was rushing to your house for a call?

Hi! The bottom line is Dobelle stole money. If he weren’t investigated, I’m sure he wasn’t planning on paying it back. He can come up with every reason in the world why he did this but the bottom line: he should know the difference between the credit cards he’s supposed to use. That’s the same as a bank robber giving back the money they stole and not being expected to be prosecuted. Thank you.

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