
PulseLine, September 23, 2013

Note Lori Hovey Westfield Teachers: “Salary isn’t going up, health insurance isn’t what it used to be, every time I turn around I’m getting a bill.” Join the rest of the population — reads to me like you have a good deal!

Has anyone else noticed that the squirrels and chipmunks have completely disappeared from the Ridgecrest Drive area? I always had 5-8 squirrels climbing oak trees, climbing on my birdfeeder, eating the dropped birdseed and over the last couple months they have just disappeared. I see none now, and I haven’t seen a chipmunk all summer. They were always running around. I moved here in 2003 and there was a fox that came through my yard every day, but that stopped in 2005, so it’s not a fox. Maybe a fisher? Curious if it’s just my yard or others too. I haven’t seen any squirrel roadkill or even squirrels in other people’s yards. Weird.

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