
PulseLine, September 6, 2013

As a parent of a recent 2013 WHS graduate, and a current sophomore student, I have to voice my displeasure on how the enforcement of the district dress code is being handled by the new administration. While I have no issue with students being asked to dress appropriately, I feel that the current dress code is loosely worded and is open to individual interpretation. Given the fact that most parents and students have already done their school shopping based on what was acceptable in the past years, I find it incredibly irresponsible of Mr. Carter to have waited until the second day of school to begin the strict enforcement. It would have been courteous of him to send a letter over the summer with his expectations of dress attire for the students. I, for one, have already spent our budgeted clothing allowance for school as I expect most other parents have as well. Unless uniforms are implemented, I see this issue being an on-going problem given the fashion trends for kids today. This issue is being handled poorly, and quite honestly, is making good kids feel singled out and causing them undue stress. It is taking the focus away from what’s most important…our children’s education!

Three cheers for the high school staff for taking a stand on the horrible way kids dress today(and the parents who let them.) Im glad to see someone has finally put their foot down on the latest “fashion trends”, pajamas,fuzzy slippers,shorty shorts,pants halfway down,raunchy sayings on t shirts,flip flops, backwards or crooked baseball hats, big baggy hoodies, sweat pants,yoga pants…none of these belong in an institution of learning…dont these kids understand this is the final practice dry run before you have to go out and get a job? and do they think they will get employed dressing like a common street thug or exotic dancer? (to put it nicely) do you think when you get a job you will be permitted to dress like that? these “fashion trends” just show the state of decay this country has fallen into, when people dont even care how they look anymore. I dont buy the “were poor and thats all we can afford” excuse either, because if you go to the mall youll see stores loaded with this stuff,they have to pay to look that way, folks! I grew up in a dirt poor family and wore hand me downs, my parents had very little clothing, but they tried to look their best because they had a moral conscience and knew it was the right thing to do if you wanted to work and be respected by society,and hopefully get promoted. But you never saw my parents or I in pajamas and slippers to go to school, work, or anywhere else outside the home! It wouldnt have been tolerated then, and it shouldnt be tolerated now. If you want to wear that stuff, wear it at home,and if you wear it elsewhere, you should expect to be sent home. bravo to the staff at the high school!

Wake up parents in Westfield!! Have you really seen how some of the teenagers dress!! I drive be the High School every day and every day I am amazed by the way some of these kids present themselves. Kuddos to Mr. Carter!! Someone has to set these kids straight and make sure that they dress in a respectful fashion. Obviously the parents of some of these kids are clueless and think that it’s okay to let their daughters and sons dress the way they do. How will these kids dress when it comes time to find a job? Being comfortable and making personal choices are important to kids but, draw the line at over exposing yourself or being sloppy. Save that for your sloppy homelife!!

Congratulations Mr. Carter, Westfield High School principal! It’s about time something is done about the way these kids dress to go to school. Unfortunately, the Superintendent of Schools should be enforcing this rule not only at the high school but also the middle schools. But, since she hasn’t, it would be wise of all the principals to shape up their schools. Thanks again, Mr. Carter. The entire district is making a concerted effort to enforce dress codes this year.

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