WESTFIELD—The city is relaunching its SeeClickFix platform in hopes of increasing the amount of users and improving public interaction when problems arise in the city.
The platform, as well as its mobile app, debuted in the city in November 2015. Since then, the city has received and addressed over 3,000 issues in Westfield. Still, city officials would like to see more residents use the platform and app so that problems can be addressed more efficiently.
“It’s a good way for everyone to participate in improving their city and it’s not just a complaint on a social media site,” Amber Danahey, community outreach coordinator, said.
Danahey said that the program has worked well but the total amount of registered users in Westfield is significantly low compared to the total amount of residents, which is a problem for the program.
“We currently have about 265 registered users on SeeClickFix, but we want to get that number up and get more people on it and using it,” she said.
The platform and app can be used to report any number of nonemergency issues in the city. According to Danahey, the reports that have been submitted and dealt with include tree issues, garbage bins being broken and needing new ones, a broken swing at a playground, backed up sewers, plowing issues and a couch that was illegally dumped at the end of a street.
Additionally, during this time of year SeeClickFix can help the Westfield Department of Public Works and the city address road issues, as users can log on and send information about potholes or other road hazards.
And all this is even easier with a smart phone. If you download the SeeClickFix app on your iPhone or Android device, you can utilize the GPS function and camera on your phone to upload issues. Let’s say that you see a street sign that has been knocked over—with the app you can take a picture of it, then highlight the area with the GPS and crews will be able to more easily and efficiently identify the issue.
Other features of the app include anonymous reporting, email notifications that your complaint was received and updates on the progress of the complaint. You can also comment on issues that were posted by others and can highlight “watch” areas for city officials to be aware of.
“We want to give people the empowerment to do it themselves,” Danahey said.