
Southwick regional school district to present proposed budget

SOUTHWICK – The Southwick-Tolland Granville Regional School District is holding a public hearing on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria at Powder Mill School to review their proposed Fiscal Year 2020 budget.

The public, Select Board’s and Finance Committee’s from Southwick, Tolland, and Granville are all invited and encouraged to attend.

After the FY 2020 budget is reviewed on Tuesday night, a vote will be taken at an upcoming school committee meeting to see if the committee will approve the proposed budget. If the budget happens to be passed by the school committee, it will then be reviewed by the Select Board and Finance Committee and drafted up as a warrant article for the annual town meeting in May.

At last year’s budget hearing for FY 2019, the district asked for $24,873,518, which was a 1.39% increase from the FY18 budget of $24,532,362. The school committee then approved the requested FY 2019 budget.

Last year’s budget focused on educational initiatives like reduced class sizes for kindergarten thru second grade, increased professional development, investing in technology, and increasing instructional coaching positions.

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